JUDICIARY Latest Features

Lira DCC Holds Successful Prison Inspection, Radio Talk Show
Participants at the radio talk show on Lango FM

The Lira District Coordination Committee last week inspected the Lira Main Prison to interact with the inmates and sensitize them on plea bargain as well as their rights.

The team that was led by the Chief Magistrate HW Natukunda Janeva later held a radio talk show on Lango FM, in which they sensitized and engaged the public on key justice issues in the area. Matters discussed included plea bargain, mediation& small claims, court procedures & general security issues following reports that Lira tops in crime rate in the country.

On the team was Lira Magistrate Grade One, HW Igga Adiru; State Attorney, Ms Jacinta Kaaya; State Prosecutor, Ms Tian Emmanuel; among others.

Posted 2nd, July 2019
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